Death Benefit Info
Local Union #141 Death Benefit Fund
Benefits of being a member include your surviving beneficiary receiving the full amount of $1,600 upon the time of your passing. The first $800 would be given in a check form to your appointed beneficiary when we are initially notified of your passing and the second $800 will be issued to your appointed beneficiary when they provide the death certificate. If any amounts are unpaid from other members passing before your passing then the second check for $800 will be reduced by the amount of each member that was not paid into at $10.00 each member.
Click HERE for the Death Benefit Form to become a member
Call the Hall to get the correct amount to join. This is calculated from the date a Journeyman Wireman tops out times how many members have passed in that time frame.
If you are a new member that is not Journeyman Wireman classification, then we use your Initiation date to calculate the amount to join.
Click on the link above to acquire the form to fill out to become a new member, mail a check in the amount that was given to you by the Hall to join then you will be entered into the Death Benefit Fund.
Upon the unfortunate passing of a "Death Benefit Member" you would submit $10.00 to the office for your contribution to keep the fund going for years to come.
Deceased Members of the Death Benefit Fund 1988-Present
Name DOD
Conrad Heyer 12/13/1988
John Aukerman 6/21/1990
Howard Noble 3/13/1991
George Polaski 5/20/1991
Thomas L. Rude 8/25/1991
John Dugan 5/15/1992
Cecil A. Gwennap 10/13/1992
Carl V. Bauman 6/23/1993
Ivan Lewis 12/20/1993
Howard O. Allen 3/21/1994
Harry Neider 11/1/1994
Bernard J. Bellville 5/14/1995
Donald Kuntz 5/28/1995
Gary McCormick 8/19/1995
Chester Lapinski 3/30/1996
Merle Amend 2/14/1997
Carl Bidka 1/27/1998
John Kemp 3/25/1998
Jack Humphry 6/11/1998
Bernard Coleman 10/16/1998
James Reed 11/10/1998
James Evans 4/7/1999
Louis Yourkovich 11/7/1999
Robert Beckett 3/9/2000
Richard Johnson 4/2/2000
Terry England 4/20/2000
Thomas Biery 10/4/2000
Robert McConnell 10/16/2000
Merwood Ramsay 5/20/2002
Robert Seiber 7/18/2002
Paul Young 11/19/2002
Duncan Lawrence 3/24/2003
George Ney 8/9/2003
Harry Yahn, Jr. 10/15/2003
Robert H. Helfer 11/4/2003
George Edgel 7/17/2004
David P. Raab 10/19/2004
Grove Calvert 1/7/2005
John Barlow 6/4/2006
Donald Albert 8/25/2006
John R. Holloway 1/19/2007
Thomas E. Edgel, Sr. 11/18/2007
Thomas J. Myers 1/17/2008
John Yahn 4/28/2008
Henry Miller 3/25/2009
Roman Matjya 4/16/2009
Ralph Fankhouser 9/24/2009
Victor Williams 11/27/2009
Eugene Palmer 12/1/2009
Thomas Milliken ?? BA Member
Robert Schied 10/6/2010
Mark Horvat 11/12/2010
John Jasinski 2/1/2011
James McDermott 2/3/2011
John Lavender 9/30/2011
James A. Hoge 3/10/2012
Thomas Mitchell 4/16/2012
Edmund Yahn 6/29/2012
Robert E. Vandrey 7/20/2012
John McKelvey 9/10/2012
Robert Ramsay 10/25/2012
Melvin Fankhouser 1/7/2013
Robert Gongola 1/18/2013
Willis Amend 2/12/2013
James C. Raab 5/6/2013
Harry T. Orth 8/28/2013
Ray Gwennap 12/10/2013
Thomas Orth 1/20/2014
Jene Capriotti 5/29/2014
James H. Hoge 6/2/2014
Paul F. Walters 10/11/2014
Edward D. Hall 11/13/2014
Robert L. Helfer 11/23/2014
Richard C. Mayeres 2/3/2016
Carson J. Cox 5/9/2016
Kenneth W. Castilow 8/27/2016
"Walter" Bartoszewicz 1/21/2017
John "Jack E. Armstrong, Jr. 4/26/2017
Carl S. Valloric 5/9/2017
Gary P. Fitzsimmons 7/4/2017
Thomas G. Sarris 11/12/2017
John C. Pollock 2/3/2018
Joyce A. Madrid 2/25/2018
Stanley K. Jasinski 3/7/2018
Daniel B. Amend 3/18/2018
Lewis E. Sheppard 4/20/2018
Harold Hickenbottom 7/7/2018
Stanley J. Boroski 9/30/2018
James C. Kinnison 12/13/2018
John P. McClellan 1/23/2019
Michael E. Fedczak 2/9/2019
Julius M. Phillips 5/25/2019
Randy P. Miller 7/31/2019
Paul J Tepe 3/5/2021
Robert R. McLaughlin 5/22/2021
Stephen G. Finney 9/10/2021
Joseph F. Campbell, Sr. 10/19/2021*
Wallace W. Major 1/19/2022
Larry L. Ramsay 7/18/2022
James F. Russell, Sr. 8/8/2022
Edward P. Duffy 11/6/2022
Joseph R. Bidka 1/21/2023
Paul L. Hammond, Jr. 4/9/2023
Edwin A. Timberlake 12/7/2023
Joseph H. Bauduin 1/9/2024
Robert A. Kubovicz 1/21/2024
Lynn E. McKee 1/28/2024
Thomas E. Binkowski 8/27/2024